Home » Stream after class 10th-Take the Right step at the Right Time

Stream after class 10th-Take the Right step at the Right Time

Update on: 07 Jun 2018, 03:52 PM

stream after class 10th

In childhood, many of us had our favourite role plays fixed, such as nurse, teacher, doctor, pilot, engineer, IAS officer and so on. We often enjoyed being and enacting like them. We want to become them when we grow, yet not all become what they desired to. Fortunately, in today’s time of awareness and progress, we are open to take our choice of career paths with much more confidence as many new career options are as flourishing as any other conventional ones.

What after class 10

As CBSE has announced its class 10th board exam result, students are now at the crossroads and intended to select the right stream after class 10th. Whether to take the path less travelled or go for the one walked by many, will be an unnerving decision for you. Consequently, at this juncture of life many students want guidance for selecting the best stream for them. Here we will advise you different streams and their corresponding required skills, your potential career depends on yours and just yours strength and weaknesses. So, don’t be influenced and feel burdened by others’ expectations, first you must reflect deep on, `What you want to be?’, `Do you have the demanding skills to pursue your goal?’, and the picture will become clear for you. So, read on and find the answer of this career-decisive question.

In present time CBSE has made provision for the selection of vocational subjects also. Still majority of students are fascinated towards the three standard streams: Arts, Science and Commerce. All these streams lead towards differentcareer scopes. On the basis of popularity, these three streams are explained here:What after class 10th

1)  Science: Offering lucrative career options such as engineering, medicine, architecture etc., Science is the most chosen stream of all three. It is also desired by many students for the fact that it keeps career options open, which means a Science student is allowed to select commerce or arts even after pursuing Science in 10+2, while Commerce and Arts students cannot pursue Science.

In Science stream, including one compulsory language, students have to take at least six subjects from optional subjects like-Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, IT, Electronics etc. To know more career options which a Science Student can opt for after 12th, read here.

What after class 10th2) Commerce: Offering some of the highest paying and respected jobs like investment banking, chartered accountant, company secretaries, accounts and financial advisor etc., it is the second most popular stream among students.

The three major subjects taught in commerce stream are Economics, Accountancy and Business law or Business study. Just like Science stream, in the commerce stream the student has to select six subjects including one compulsory language. If CA, CS seem to be tougher fight for you, then you may like to explore some more career options that are available after completing Class 12 with Commerce stream.

3) Arts: In earlier times it was believed that students who were weak What next after class 10and found Science and Commerce too tough or did not have good marks, chose Art Stream or Humanities. The scenario has fortunately changed now, and many high scorers opt for Arts to pursue their ambition to become IAS officer or career in mass media, journalism, literature, sociology, social service, human psychology, politics, economics and history. This stream offers wide choice of subjects such as Psychology, Sociology, Economics, History, Geography, Political Science, Logic, etc. A wide variety of career options is available for the students who complete class 12th with Humanities.

We suggest each student to listen to your heart, think where your heart lies and do what you would like to do. It is very important to be happy with what you are doing, we deliver the best of our ability when we are interested in it.  So, reflect on what you are passionate about, write them down, you may have many interest areas. Answer the given questions, to find out what’s your interest area:

  • Am I interested in joining media?
  • Am I interested to become a renowned artist or a sculptor?
  • Am I interested in Healthcare sector?
  • Am I interested in Economic policies and trends?
  • Am I interested in interior designing or fashion designing?
  • Am I interested in machines, their designs and functions?
  • Am I interested in doing social services?
  • Am I interested in joining Hospitality industry?

With these and some more questions related to your interest, also do ask to yourself about how hard you can work, do you have leadership qualities, patience to pursue your goal without giving up easily, resilience to overcome failures and more. You should  analyse your personality type to make important decision for your life.

You are also advised to consider that your past performance does tell a lot about your aptitude but it is not necessarily true that it can predict your future performance. Our performance is a lot to do with our immediate situations. Hence it is a parameter for those who are consistent with their performance and will be irrespective of the changes around them. Different subjects require different aptitude or their combination to learn.

We wish students Good Luck for the new venture. Set a goal of your life and don’t settle for anything less than it. Do hard work as it never fails!

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