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Engaging Activities for Smart Kids- Crossword Puzzle

Update on: 15 Jun 2018, 05:53 PM

Crossword Puzzle

Children have a lot of energy and they actually do not know where to channelize that energy. The major problem that all teachers and parents face is to ensure that the energy of kids is actively engaged in the classroom or at home. One of the best engaging activity for kids is a Crossword Puzzle. Crossword puzzle is an excellent teaching tool that enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students; that boost their brain functioning. These are self-engaging, interactive and active learning tools for students through which they can learn various concepts of Science, Maths, etc; in a playful manner.

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That’s not all! Solving a crossword puzzle improves vocabulary, memory and builds confidence. These are actually brain-teasers which stimulate your child’s brain to think, remember and make a decision. Furthermore, solving a crossword puzzle and coming to a correct answer enhances a child’s interest towards the subject and motivates her/him to learn more.

To sharpen your child’s thinking skills and help them learn Science through games, we have provided a printable crossword puzzle worksheet on various topics in Science for classes 1 to 5.

Let your child solve this interactive Science crossword puzzle and test her/ his knowledge about Science.

Here goes a crossword for all of you.Click on the crossword to get full view.


Instructions: Use the clues provided to solve each crossword puzzle.

1. The surroundings or conditions in which we live4. The process of formation of new individuals or organisms
2. A push or a pull acting upon an object6. The act of clearing or cutting down of trees
3. The process of conversion of a solid directly into a gas9. A heavenly body that revolves around the sun
5. Tiny openings on lower side of leaves10. The process of gradual wearing off of soil by the action of wind and water
7. The act of planting large numbers of trees on land which has few or no trees on it12. The blanket of air surrounding the earth
8. The process of growth of a new plant from the seed on getting water, air and warmth13. The long distance travelling of animals to escape harsh climatic conditions
11. The process in which insoluble impurities settle down at the bottom of the water to form sediments14. The process by which oxygen breaks down food to produce energy
18. The amount of water vapour present in the air15. The process of change in the structure and function of an organism that help it to survive in its environment
19. Inactive state of some animals to survive extreme cold in winters16. The movement of the earth around the sun in its orbit
21. The process of conversion of vapour into water17. The process of breaking down of complex food into simpler form
22. The process by which green plants make their food with the help of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide20. The liquid and solid water particles that fall from clouds and reach the ground
24. The natural ability of our body to fight against germs to prevent infection23. The process of loss of water vapour from the surface of leaves through stomata
27. Dietary fibres that help to remove waste from the body25. The process of breaking down of rocks due to the action of the sun, wind and water
26. The force that opposes the motion of an object
28. To appear like something to easily blend in with the surroundings
29. The force that pulls everything down towards the earth
30. The natural home or environment of a plant, an animal, or other organism

Comment your answers below and share how much time you took to solve the complete crossword.Happy Learning!

crossword book science crossword 6

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